"Fagron's new genetic acne test analyses five category areas, including acne predisposition, inflammation related to pigmentation and scarring, nutritional balance related to metabolics, hormonal factors and the best treatment for your patient based upon pharmacogenetic analysis"
As part of the launch of Wigmore Medical’s exclusive distribution agreement for Fagron genetic tests, Wigmore Medical's Pharmacist, Sandra Toccalino, was invited to visit the Fagron genetic laboratory in Barcelona.
Hosted by Sharon Bosworth, Fagron’s UK Account Manager for genetic tests, the state of the art facility offers an insight into the science behind genetic testing and how our genes can influence the efficacy and success of a treatment.
We were welcomed by Valentina Russo, MSC Biotechnology, the Fagron Genomics Laboratory Manager. The lab has two areas, one to perform DNA sample reception, extraction and purification, the other to conduct all DNA sequencingrelated processes.
The sample reception area is where the team individually checks each sample for the correct label and any damage. If a problem is discovered at this stage, the samples cannot be processed, causing unnecessary delays.
For successful DNA extraction, a buccal swab must be administered correctly. Valentina highlighted the importance of swabbing the tongue before the cheeks, moving the swab 10 times on each side. The tongue provides enough moisture to obtain more cells from the cheeks—patients should not eat or drink 45 minutes before swabbing to facilitate the extraction process. Once a swab is checked it is readyfor the extraction process.
DNA needs to be extracted and isolated from the rest of the cellular material in any given sample. We observed innovative magnet technology which is capable of processing 96 samples in under two hours.This revolutionary particle segregation machine works by binding DNA to the magnetic beads, which are easily extracted from the test tube by applying a magnetic field, then released into wells containing reagents for the next step of isolation. The procedure ensures prominent levels of purity, quality and productivity, meaning more samples can be processed in one cycle.
This is followed by a critical part of the process—the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the extracted DNA. Beforehand, the team ensures they have extracted sufficientgood-quality DNA. Fagron uses an innovative microliter UV-Vis spectrophotometer to determine sample quality and provide contaminant identification. Using a small sample, it takes seconds for the lab team to determine if they have obtained pure DNA, which is then ready for amplification through PCR.
The quantitative Real-Time PCR System used at Fagron Genomics can simultaneously run up to 3,072 reaction array plates in under four hours. The technology uses a fluorogenic probe to enable the detection of a single nucleotide polymorphism, often called SNP. This is where the magic starts, as identifying an SNP can help clinicians predict a patient’s response to medication, their risk of developing conditions, or sensitivity tocertain foods.

With Fagron moving towards new-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, Valentina saved the most innovative technology for towards the end of our visit. Currently, 96 samples of the same genetic test are needed to run the analysis, however, with NGS, different tests can be run simultaneously, enabling a high volume of testing. We then took part in a masterclass with Gustavo Torres PharmD, PhD, Scientific Project Manager at Fagron Genomics. He set the scene with an overview of basic genetics followed by pharmacogenomics, focusing on how personalised medicine offers many benefits for patients including optimised dosing and efficacy, reducing trial and error prescribing, as well as reduced risk of ineffective medications and adverse side effects.
We then discovered the four Fagron tests, starting with the once in a lifetime Nutrigen test, an innovative nutrigenomic algorithm to personalise healthy ageing while providing a personalised weight loss plan for patients.

Telotest measures the patients’ telomere length to understand their biological age versus their chronological age, before providing a personalised recommendation based on positive lifestyle changes including stress management, improved sleep, exercise and nutrition as well as recommended vitamins, minerals andantioxidants. This can be re-taken to measure improvements 12-18 months later.
With many people suffering from hair loss, Fagron launched the Trichotest into the UK over three years ago. This world first in comprehensive genetic testing for hair loss uses pharmacogenetic principles to determine which topical and oral treatment inclusive of supplementation will work for the patient, based on their genetic predisposition. This helps eliminate any guesswork and save time and money, with the best possible treatment outcome.
As our visit came to an end, Gustavo explained how Fagrons’ new genetic Acne test can benefit clinics and patients. The test analyses five category areas, including acne predisposition, inflammation related to pigmentation and scarring, nutritional balance related to metabolics, hormonal factors, and the best treatment for your patient based upon pharmacogenetic analysis; it also has the ability to determine the correct treatment based upon the patient's grade of acne.
The insight gained from the patient report was extremely insightful – a unique and revolutionary step forward in the treatment of acne. Spending time at the laboratory was an amazing experience and provides me as a prescriber with the best possible understanding of how a patient is likely to respond to a treatment, removing the traditional trial of treatments approach. Not only that, the patient insight will revolutionise the way clinics treat patients in different treatment categories.
To order Fagron’s genetic tests you can contact Wigmore Medical by calling 020 7514 0150 or email orders@wigmoremedical.com